Senin, 22 November 2010


Jl. Mataram 908 Semarang

Phone (024) 8415426

I. School History

Maria Mediatrix Junior High School that fall under Marsudirini Foundation is managed by St. Fransiskus Nuns.

It center in Semarang, central of java, Indonesia.

Maria Mediatrix JHS is used to be Mulo (Meer Uitgebreid Lagere Onderwijs) built on June 1, 1911 the school moved into bangkong, on Jl. Mataram 908 Semarang until now. At the first period, the school specialized for girls but starting in 1989 boys could enter this school.

II. School Facilities

In order to support the effective learning teaching process, Maria Mediatrix JHS provides complete facilities, which are:

a. Science Laboratory

b. Language Laboratory

c. Computer Laboratory

d. Library

e. Music Room

f. Audio And Audio Visual Room

g. Building and Counceling rooms

h. Field for Basketball, Volleyball, football, badminton and athletics.

i. Data room which is a room for processing student ‘ academics mark.

j. Air Conditioning class rooms

Maria Mediatrix JHS educates its students and alumny becoming persons that have Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual Intellegences.

For these purpose, Maria Mediatrix JHS commits :

a. Creating intensive teaching learning process

b. Giving coordinated additional lesson

c. Supporting the students to take part in competitions

d. Having relegions activities, such as daily prayers retreat and mass

e. Basic Leadership Training (LDK) for choosen students

f. Visiting orphans, charity

g. Having various extraculliculer :

Scout, basketball, theater, football, conversation, science, swimming, choir, volleyball, music, jurnalistics, internet,

h. Doing outside activities, such as :

Study tour for 8th grade students.


Maria Mediatrix JHS opens two ways of enrollment, which are:

1. Achievement Category

The Achievement Category is based on the student report in grade 5 semester 1 and 2 and grade 6 semester 1. For Indonesian, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.

a. Qualification

a.1. Group A : Min. Score 80

a.2. Group B : Min. Score 75

a.3. Group C : Min. Score 70

the form could be taken from December 8, 2010 to January 8, 2011

And it could be returned from Januari 3, 2011 to January 10, 2011

2. Test Category

Test will be held on Sunday, January 30, 2011 at 08.00 in Maria Mediatrix JHS.

The Test include : Indonesian, Mathematics, Science, Social Student.

the form could be taken from January 3, 2011 to January 28, 2011

And it could be returned from Januari 3, 2011 to January 29, 2011

3. The Documents enclosed are:

a. Copy of student report book ( grade 5 semester 1 and 2 and grade 6 semester 1)

b. 3 sheets of photo of passport size

c. Copy of family card

d. Copy of babtism card (for Christians)

e. Copy of parents identity card

f. Copy of birth certificate

4. Place of Regitration :


Jl. Mataram 908 Semarang

(024) 8415426

Email :

2 komentar:

  1. I think your translate is wrong. Look at point 2. Test category. The test include: ......Social Student. I think the correct one is Social Science.
